Going Eastwards - Part 2. Trip to Czech Republic : CZECH REPUBLIC

Carlo : europe : czech republic : prague
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Going Eastwards - Part 2. Trip to Czech Republic


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Going Eastwards - Part 2. Trip to Czech Republic

Località: Prague
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Change - change only the money needed to buy the stickers and possibly for the diesel, you should get from the banks with the official exchange rate, you earn. Do not trust those who change money on the street, they give you more, but there is risk are expired or counterfeit money. The average is 30 (eg € 100 = 3000 Kr)
ROADS - the few highways are new to Prague and sliding, as well as roads are narrow and patched
POLICE - warning, are on the hunt for unruly tourists, in a parking lot, since my half long, are mounted on the platform with the right wheel, on my return I found the shoe to a wheel, to remove them I paid 1000 Kr (35 €) to my request for a receipt ... ... .. they laughed
RESTAURANTS (Restaurace) - very cheap, do lunch or dinner in Prague
CAMPSITES - except of Prague, the others can be courtyards of hotels or meadows of farms, without downloading service
CHURCHES - Almost all closed, at most you can photograph through the grates after the front door, except of Prague with an entrance fee which can not be photographed.
These figures are in Kr
For us, it was a nice trip, we saw many interesting things that we will not forget:
- The castles, Fussen and those of the Castle of Rosenberg, in Ceske Krumlov, beautiful and richly decorated the inside out
- The churches, the one that most impressed us was to Steingaden,
- Landscapes in Bavaria which is in the Czech Republic
For photography enthusiasts, like me, I can say that they were taken over 500 photos, digital (512)
Certainly, what we can to please us, can not appeal to others ... ... everything is subjective
Anyway I hope to be helpful, you need qual'ora other news, are available
Total 2700 Km
And 'no trouble traveling with travel short
Total spending € 1120
Calculated that this figure is for two adults and two cats, they eat them too and in some camping charged too.
Spending is so divided:
Food expenditure € 326.98
Newspapers 24.99
Bar 22.62
Restaurants 64.98
Diesel 210.98
Campsites and parking 184.73
Entrance tickets and guided 115.11
Fine 34.36
Telephone 55.00
Motorway 36.14
43.60 Miscellaneous


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142 - sole/coperto - Becov Nam Templou - Autokemp - Kr.200

- Castello - E. Kr. 60 - P.sul fiume sotto il castello
- Piazza centrale

- Terme 80 fonti in paese - P. Stazione bus
- Piazza del mercato
- Centro storico

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211 - sole - Praga - Camping Sunny Camp - 3 gg. Kr. 1681

Marianske Lazne (Mariembad) - P. via principale - Kr. 30
- Località termale
- Kolonada

Per arrivare al Camping Sunny attenzione al cartello dopo l’Ikea a destra, è piccolo ma pulito, il metrò è a 500 mt, la linea gialla porta in centro, vicino a piazza Venceslao, non comprate il giornaliero, non serve, acquistate i biglietti per andata e per ritorno, valgono 60/90 minuti, secondo se feriale o festivo.
Praga merita anche più di tre giorni, se ne avete la possibilità
Al Castello Reale è meglio andarci molto presto per evitare la folla di turisti

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0 - sole - Praga - Camping Sunny Camp

Stare Mesto (la città vecchia)
-Via Reale/Celetna
-Piazza Staromestske Namesti
-Staromestska Radice (Municipio)
-Orologio astronomico
-Sv.Mikulas (Chiesa di S.Nicola)
-Tynsky Chram (Il tempio di Tyn)
-Tyn (Corte doganale)
-Sv. Jakub (chiesa di S.Giacomo)
Prasna brana )La porta delle polveri)

JOSEFOV (la Città Ebraica)
-Staronova Synagoga - E. Kr. 500
-Vysoka Sinagoga
-Pinkasova Sinagoga
-Cimitero ebraico

Mala Strana
-Ponte Carlo
-Via Nerudova

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0 - sole - Praga - Camping Sunny Camp

-Hrad (Castello reale) +giardino
-Loretanska (Santuario di Loreta)
-Klaster Premonstratu na Strahove (Monastero di Strahov) - E. Kr. 440
-Katedrala Sv.Vita (Cattedrale di S.Vito)
-Jirke Namesti (Basilica di S.Giorgio) - E. Kr.100

NOVE MESTO (La città Nuova)
-Vaclavske Namesti (Piazza Venceslao)
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37 - sole/piove - Karlstejn - P. del castello - Kr. 200

- Castello - E. Kr. 400
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141 - piove/sole - Hutna Hora - P. vicino alla polizia Kr. 20

Konepruske: P. delle grotte - E. Kr. 20
- Grotte - E. Kr. 160

Hutna Hora:
Centro storico
Cattedrale di Santa Barbara - E. Kr. 60
Castello (museo)
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190 - sole/coperto - JinDrichuv Hradec - P. del castello - Kr.100

- Castello rinascimentale
- Cervena Lhota

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102 - piove/coperto - Mojne’ - Camping Rajka - Kr. 475

Ceske Budejovice: P. a pagamento - Kr. 100
- Piazza centrale quadrata
- Castello Hluboka nad Vltavou
- Torre Nera
- Cattedrale

Pulizia camper
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274 - coperto - Salisburgo (A) - P. Autogrill

Ceskv Krumlov: Park 4 - Kr. 50
- Castello dei Rosemberg
- Centro storico

- Vignette - € 7.60
- Autostrada - € 9.50
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276 - sole - MAJANO - casa

Tagliare l’erba
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  • Carlo Ranzani
  • Età 31231 giorni (86)
  • Majano (UD)


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